Secondary Teacher Judith Quinones » Captain Q

Captain Q

Dear Students & Parents,

My name is Captain Q. Welcome to my class!! I have a service dog named Lord Reginald von Floofenpoof, but you can just call him Reggie. He’ll be in our class too. 

You might be interested to know that I am a 1st generation Costa Rican American, and I got my Bachelor’s degree from Harvard University, majoring in Music. Afterwards, I started a doctoral program in Ethnomusicology at UCLA, specializing in Tibetan Buddhist Ritual Music. However, it wasn’t for me so left. 

Instead, I went to work as Assistant to the Director of the UCLA Hammer Museum. That gave me an incredible window into the fine arts world. When my tenure at the Hammer came to a close, I felt called to pursue a career in teaching. I joined the LAUSD District Intern Program and never looked back.

I started teaching English in July of 2014. I love working with students and am particularly passionate about interdisciplinary, project-based learning. I find it inspiring to provide students a context in which to practice hands-on college & career skills while learning academic content. As my students will attest to, I’m also something of a social justice warrior.

I will be teaching the following courses at VOCES for the 2024-2025 school year.

I look forward to getting to know all of my students AND their families. I value that because I think it’s important that we all be part of the VOCES community together.

Yours Truly,

Captain Q

Background image Secondary Teacher Judith  Quinones`s profile picture
Secondary Teacher Judith Quinones
Secondary English Teacher
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